I read a nice post about sharing your passions. Amanda C Dykes, a teacher from America uses the old saying: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” and changes it to: “If you have a passion for something, and you do not share that passion, does it make a sound?”. Continue reading “Shared passions and the falling tree in the forrest”
Month: November 2010
bookmark_borderQR codes, interesting
I learnt about QR codes today, thanks to Twitter. The possibilities are endless….
Read more here about QR codes in education.
bookmark_borderHole in the wall learning, or Self Organizing Learning Environments
I saw this video on TED talks about SOLE (Self Organizing Learning Environments), by Prof. Sugata Mitra. His research and his initiatives have so many implications for the future of ICT in Education. Below is an excerpt from his wiki, about the project. Continue reading “Hole in the wall learning, or Self Organizing Learning Environments”
bookmark_borderInteresting post about life-long learners
Steven Anderson is an active tweeter, blogger and Web2 user. He conducted an interesting poll about why some people call themselves a ‘life-long learner’. I have used the word myself. It is such an IB word and it is in danger of being hollowed out by its overuse; in the end, who ISN’T a life long learner? Never the less, Anderson’s poll resulted in some interesting insights: http://web20classroom.blogspot.com/2010/11/why-are-you-life-long-learner-follow-up.html