bookmark_borderThe new skills set, is it new though?

There are so many inspirational and visionary youtube videos, all accompanied by grand sweeping backing track, loftily expounding the future of education. I have found another one – one I really like – and I have ‘chopped’ it to what I thought was the most interesting part (only 3 minutes):

bookmark_border#edchat + other great edu #hashtags


#Edchat is a discussion conducted on Twitter twice each Tuesday. The educational topics are chosen from a poll posted each Sunday night. There may also be a guest speaker, usually an Educational Expert. There are two chats to accommodate the global time zones. The first chat is at 12 noon EST and the second is at 7PM EST. The Chats are scheduled for an hour, but often carry on longer. People enter and leave at will. All chats are archived and may be accessed at a later time. Continue reading “#edchat + other great edu #hashtags”

bookmark_borderTwitter, my favourite PD

I have been on Twitter since April 2010.  Before that time, I was like many other people: “Twitter, another outlet for vain people to let the world know they’ve bought a pair of shoes on sale…”

But now, after following many educators and tweeting about 5 or 6 messages a month, I have joined the other camp and now I can say: “Twitter has provided me with the best professional development ever” and “Twitter is the most important part of my #PLN (Personal Learning Network)”my first two tweets Continue reading “Twitter, my favourite PD”