bookmark_borderFirst World – Feature Articles – If Germany Had Won World War 1…

  • In a way, this is a more interesting hypothesis than the more commonly asked  question about what the world would be like if the Germans had won World War II.
  • As a preliminary matter, we should note that the actual outcome of the First  World War was a near thing, a far nearer thing than was the outcome of World War  II after 1941.
  • Germany had knocked Russia out of the war
  • General Luddendorf panicked and demanded that the government seek an  armistice.
  • While the Germans were not militarily defeated, or even economically desperate,  the government and general public saw no prospect of winning.  Presented  with the possibility of negotiating a settlement, their willingness to continue  the conflict simply dissolved.
  • The Germans were defeated by exhaustion.  This could as easily have  happened to the Allies.  Continue reading “First World – Feature Articles – If Germany Had Won World War 1…”