Full article here: First World War.com – Feature Articles – If Germany Had Won World War 1…
What a great and thought provoking read. This article, written by John D. Riley, presents an alternative view of history. What would have happened, if Germany had won WW1? Below are my highlights from the article:
In a way, this is a more interesting hypothesis than the more commonly asked question about what the world would be like if the Germans had won World War II.
As a preliminary matter, we should note that the actual outcome of the First World War was a near thing, a far nearer thing than was the outcome of World War II after 1941.
Germany had knocked Russia out of the war
General Luddendorf panicked and demanded that the government seek an armistice.
While the Germans were not militarily defeated, or even economically desperate, the government and general public saw no prospect of winning. Presented with the possibility of negotiating a settlement, their willingness to continue the conflict simply dissolved.
The Germans were defeated by exhaustion. This could as easily have happened to the Allies. Continue reading “First World War.com – Feature Articles – If Germany Had Won World War 1…”