bookmark_borderRon Ritchhart’s Eight Thinking Continua

Thinking clip art#1Eight thinking continua, By Ron Ritchhart. Cultures of Thinking Project. Harvard Project Zero, 2008. This is a great tool to assess deep thinking. I find it particularly useful for the assessment of essays and written work. I have created a rubric based on Ron Ritchhart’s continua in a Word Doc.

Download the file: Thinking Continua Assessment_Ron Ritchhart

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bookmark_border#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars

Hi all, thanks again for the great conversation. I tried to make a Storify but it again did not work for me, so I just pasted all the tweets from below. It’s probably easier to read this way anyway. Look forward to our next chat!

vanweringh Anyone can moderate a #histedchat, pick a topic or set up a poll. Post the archive on our wiki: -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

HistoryNeedsYou RT @CatherineRHart: @HistoryNeedsYou in Aus – borrow a memorial box – gr8 artifacts #histedchat -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

bilbolewis @vanweringh @CatherineRHart and everyone – Thanks for tonight’s #histedchat. Now need to finish dishes 
& school lunches! -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

historyboy77 RT @vanweringh: Here are all my Diigo links on WW2: and WW1: #histedchat -9:30 PM May 8th, 2013
Continue reading “#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars”

bookmark_borderConcept Based Learning

I am very interested in Concept Based Learning. I believe it is vital that in our crowded curricula, we have a clear framework that encourages deeper thinking and connections between disciplines. 

Below is my presentation for the Teachmeet at the State Library of Victoria. It is a short overview of how Concept Based learning fits in with other curricula, frameworks and pedagogies (of which there are so many!).

Continue reading “Concept Based Learning”