Every country has their own version of a "Pound land", in Australia it’s the "Reject Shop" or the "$2 Shop". It’s "Todo a 100" in Spain, "Pfennigland" in Germany. They are full of cheap plastic knick knacks that can be used to creatively spruce up a lesson. Here a some ideas:
And this is why I love Twitter: had never heard of #poundlandpedagogy. It’s #rejectshoppedagogy in Oz! Via @Lou_gym #histedchat
@vanweringh the fact filler challenge. Aim to fill the jar with knowledge before the other team twitter.com/Lou_gym/status/…
Cheap Shops Brilliant Lessons- Updated-With a video! Lots of Tips- cheneyagilitytoolkit.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/cheap-… #poundlandpedagogy @WallaceIsabella
Great #poundlandpedagogy ideas for everyone here! cheneyagilitytoolkit.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/cheap-… Via @ASTsupportAAli
Does anyone have any teaching ideas that can be achieved on a tight budget to share? community.tesaustralia.com/role/f/14/t/67… #PoundlandPedagogy
Poundland Pedagogy – Table Cloths
I was set a poundland pedagogy challenge with the Reading College Pass it On CPD initiative and the item I ended up with was table cloths… -
Poundland Pedagogy: Plastic Easter Eggs
by meljwhite1987 Inspired by the recent Poundland pedagogy tweets, I recently added some plastic Easter eggs to my ever growing hoard of … -
@vanweringh for different homework tasks or class activities twitter.com/Lou_gym/status/…
@vanweringh suitable for all ages even 18 year olds who pretend they’re too cool for it but secretly enjoy it twitter.com/Lou_gym/status/…
Favourite buy of the day: big inflatable globe for just £2 #poundlandpedagogy
Found these in #poundlandpedagogy today exit texts pupils summarise learning as they leave lesson!! twitter.com/tombrush1982/st…
What shall I do with this lot? So excited. #poundlandpedagogy twitter.com/LadyGlencora/st…
Osiris Educational Blog ” Poundstore Pedagogy – Inspiration in the Aisles
Isabella Wallace reveals how ‘poundstores’ are an Aladdin’s Cave for the innovative teacher! What do a beach-ball, a bell and an egg-time… -
MT “@Lou_gym: You’ll probably like the plenary frisbee too. #poundlandpedagogy 🙂 twitter.com/Lou_gym/status/…” #histedchat
Challenge chart: each pocket filled with more challenging Qs (Bloom Style?) #poundlandpedagogy 🙂 twitter.com/karatechickster…
Plenary ball: students do the activity closest to right thumb #poundlandpedagogy #ukedchat twitter.com/BusinessRose/st…
Poundland Pedagogy – 14 ideas for the classroom
TES Community connects teachers around the world to share classroom support, healthy debate and extra-curricular fun