bookmark_borderOreo Plate Tectonics

A great way to explain plate tectonics and simple plate movements is by using Oreos. This is based on a lecture by Dr Bob Lillie of the Department of Geosciences at Oregon State University. I found the PPT online at the Oregon State University website  but frankly, the internet is quite full of “Geo-reo activities”

Here is the PPT: ImageOreos Plate TectonicsI have changed the PPT a little (mainly to get rid of Comic Sans, I get a bit twitchy whenever I see that font).

The kids responded really well to this activity. There is nothing better than some hands-on activities to make information stick. The students were like little Pavlovian dogs; salivating while moving the “plates” around on the “magma”. After 15 minutes of playing with Oreos they gobbled it up in 1 second flat. Added lesson: delayed gratification!

bookmark_borderHistory Quotes (Classroom Posters)

history classroomI like a well decorated History room. I like a good poster. I even like quotes, yes I do. I know they can be pithy, banal, cliched, out of context etc, but still, they are great to refer to occasionally.

OK, enough of my justifications; History quotes just make excellent classroom decorations.

I am very happy to share with you my collection of 80 posters. You can download them all here:


80 History Quotes Classroom Posters (50 MB, in PDF, JPG and DOC)

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bookmark_borderAn Aztec Mystery Lady and the Power of Twitter

This is an example of the power of Twitter as a way to connect with a community of experts.  Capture

On the 25th of June, my Year 8s and I attended the fabulous Aztec exhibition at Melbourne Museum. In class we had studied a mural by Diego Rivera. It was created in 1945 and adorns the walls in the Palacio Nacional de Mexico. (See information here and backup link here).

This massive mural was also prominently displayed in the exhibition and it was there that my students and I started wondering about the lady with the white lilies who is handed a severed arm by some shady and lascivious characters. While in the museum, I sent a tweet to the knowledgeable, helpful and friendly people at Melbourne Museum, asking them if they knew who she was. Continue reading “An Aztec Mystery Lady and the Power of Twitter”

bookmark_borderSpeak so people will listen

I came across this TED talk, about the power of speaking. It’s short and great for teachers, since our voices are the most important tool we have.

  • Seven deadly sins of speaking: gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, exaggeration, dogmatism.
  • Speak so people will want to listen: Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, Love
  • Ways to improve your speaking: prosody (sing-song), pace, pitch, silence, volume, register, timbre.

Continue reading “Speak so people will listen”

bookmark_borderIB Workshops

Capture10I have just finalised Day 3 of my fourth IB workshop. These professional development events never fail to inspire and it’s always informative, as well as exhausting. I have used this blog and Twitter to record my thoughts. Here are the links to my notes from this workshop and others:

MYP Category 3, Humanities (Melbourne), June 2014

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bookmark_borderDay 3, MYP Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Workshop

The last day of the workshop. The group has gelled together well and we now all know where to get the best coffee and how to find our way around. I get so much value out of speaking to other teachers, find out what they do and how they do it.

In this session we had some very useful conversations about different ways of reporting. We compared different reporting software and ways of writing reports.

In the morning Danielle Veilleux came along, she is the IB MYP curriculum and assessment manager for arts, individuals and societies and MYP Projects.

We looked at a sample of student work, marked it and then standardised our results. I must say the Teacher Support Material is very useful. You can find it on the OCC, under “general comments”.

MYP projects & serviceCapture9


  • Community project is optional, but compulsory if you stop in MYP 4.
  • Community project is very useful to feed into the MYP Personal Project though.

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bookmark_borderDay 2, MYP Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Workshop

Change managementCapture4

The day started with a key note address by Robert Harrison, Curriculum Manager for Continuum Development. He addressed challenges and opportunities for change management in schools; very timely since the MYP represents a huge change in everything we do at our school. Continue reading “Day 2, MYP Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Workshop”