bookmark_borderPractical ways to make your lessons more concept-based

Concepts are like containers for knowledge and understanding. They are like puzzle pieces which together provide a big picture overview. Concepts help students develop a deeper, transferable and cross-disciplinary understanding of overarching ideas. As the students move through PYP, MYP and possibly DP, they encounter these concepts in different areas and in different ways. For example, please see the Venn diagram of some of the key and related concepts in MYP Science, Individuals and Societies and the Arts. As you can see, there is quite some overlap between their subject-specific concepts.

Here is a checklist and a reminder for teaching ‘concept-based’: Continue reading “Practical ways to make your lessons more concept-based”

bookmark_borderHistory Textbooks

I have recently spent quite a bit of time thinking about History textbooks and how they are written. My thinking hasn’t fully crystallised yet but I want to share the articles that I have read so far. As I continue my journey in the textbook world, I will write more here.

Continue reading “History Textbooks”