Today I attended a full day workshop with Michael Fullan, expert on Change Leadership in education. We were provided with an informative booklet full of articles and ideas. There was in fact so much information that I reached saturation point at the end of the day. Below are some of my thoughts and pick-ups.
What works (in Change Leadership):
- Focus
- Capacity building
- Consistency of practice
- Learning from each other
- Leadership that obsesses with points 1 – 4.
Teaching like a pro means:
- Continuously inquiring into and improving one’s own teaching.
- Planning teaching, improving teaching and often doing teaching as part of a high performing team.
“Even with the best intentions even if you seem like a ‘natural’ as a teacher, unless you deliberately learn how to get better so you can teach the students of today for the world of tomorrow, you will not be teaching like a pro. You will just be an enthusiastic amateur.” Page 24.
Reading shared by Michael Fullan:
- Two kinds of ways of looking at education; as a business or as social capital.
- Hattie’s effect sizes (yay)
- Professional Development: A great way to avoid change
- Student Centered Leadership (Research)
Teacher as activator (effect size .60), rather than facilitator (effect size .17).
- Facilitator: Simulations and gambling inquiry based, smaller class sizes. individualised instruction, Problem Based learning, web based, inductive teaching.
- Activator: Reciprocal teaching, feedback, teacher-student self verbalistion, meta-cognition, goals-challenging, frequent effects of leaning.
When implementing something new, figure out how to make it non-threatening.
Difference between coaching and mentoring.
Books I want to read (I’m an optimist):
- Visible learning for teachers (John Hattie)
- Formative Assessment (Dylan Williams)
- How to change 5000 schools (Ben Levin)
- Student Centered Leadership (Robinson)
Some of my tweets::
- Elements of coherence. Motion leaders walk the talk. #leadership #fullan
- Technology vs Pedagogy. A fool with a tool is still a fool. #fullan
- Professional Development: A great way to avoid change, mention by #Fullan
- #fullan What works: -Focus -Capacity building -Consistency of practice -#Leadership that obsesses with 1 – 4
- Right vs Wrong drivers for change. #fullan
- De-silo-ing a school to create a collaborative culture. I like that.
- Simplexity and motion leadership. #fullan
- Driving change starts with ignoring advice on how to drive change /via @globeandmail
- Impressive Empathy: An Interview with Michael Fullan
- RT @rhp123: A very compelling article by Michael Fullan – “Choosing Wrong Drivers”. reading the full article.
- RT @anthsperanza: Leadership in Education: Michael Fullan Six Secrets
Here is the storify of the tweets I sent: