Technology = Space

I am fascinated by Steve Collis’ idea and proposition that Technology equals a Space. I want to spend more time exploring this and will write more soon, but for now, please read Steve’s blog post, watch the video and read some interesting tweets in my Storify on the topic.

And on a different note:


Technology = Space

Steve Collis, “Ideas Merchant” at Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning came up with a great concept: Technology = Space. I really like his sophisticated ideas on how we can view and redefine #edtech in education; it is a physical learning space, rather than a simple “tool”.

  1. Ok so technology is space, & information flow is as real as walls & furniture –
    p28 New Scientist 31/8 Drew Endy:…
  2. I propose that classroom space is: physical, virtual (technology, information flow) & cultural (shared, normed, internalised info flow)
  3. But anyway, virtual and cultural information flow deserves to be treated as ‘space’, in the same breath, same definition, arena as physical.
  4. . @Steve_Collis and once you start sharing spaces, then you start feeling liberated outside the box
  5. @Steve_Collis @jmaraldo So why call it a classroom? Isn’t what you describe bigger than a room?
  6. @djakes @Steve_Collis I’d prefer to call it a learning space or learning community, actually
  7. . @Steve_Collis You can dabble into whatever pedagogy but you also have to redesign spaces for students to learn that matches.
  8. @jmaraldo @Steve_Collis Love the ideas, but I think what is described is too big, too expansive to be linked to the idea of a room.
  9. if you’re feeling brave, this 5 min video explores 4 structures to spot (like bird watching) in all 3 spaces:
  10. @djakes @Steve_Collis I agree, but I do like the idea of expanding the learning space beyond the brick and mortar walls- to tech, nature etc
  11. Shouldn’t that be our aim? RT“@djakes: @Steve_Collis I think you have described a learning ecology that locates in many types of spaces.”
  12. @Steve_Collis @djakes For our schools to TRULY change, we need to completely rethink our learning spaces, both physical and virtual
  13. @Steve_Collis Watched the video, #mindblown. U’ve explained it well. Tech as tool is only first step. It’s a space.…”
  14. One consequence of defining virtual space as ‘information flow’ is that post it notes are just as legitimately technology as laptops.
  15. this photo of airport entices me to wonder yet again about how we experience time what it all looks like outside of..


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