IB History IA workshop, Day 3

Work in progress! These are my notes from a three day workshop for the IB History IA (New course), held at Wesley College Melbourne, on June 25, 26, 27, 2016.

Day 3, Session 9, Designing an effective IA process, ideas, skills and strategies.give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the four hours sharpening the axe

No name, no school names, no city name, no student number on the front page, the IA has to be uploaded completely anonymous. Only have the title on the front page.

We discussed our current IA practices and the ways in which we’d like to change those in the future. For me, I’d like to start earlier with finding a good research question. Formulating a good question is very challenging, so as soon as this workshop finalises the online student resource, I will introduce the students to it and will use some lessons to work on the RQ.

PDF version of the poster here: Poster PDF

Why study history?

What is History for? (School of life):

Day 3, Session 10: Collaborating on an online student resource

In session 10, we started collaborating on an online IA resource for or students.

For the rest of this day, we collaborated on Google Docs on an online student resource for the new IA. We worked in four groups, on a section each and one group worked on the formulation of a research question.

The plan is that Rajesh and I take all this raw data and put it on the Weebly (http://ibhistoryia.weebly.com/) in the next month or so. All the participants have been fantastic, everyone worked together so well, people shared generously and we all learned from eachother. It was a very successful workshop and I look forward to compiling the information for our students. Naturally this will be shared with the wider community as soon as its done.

Things participants said they’ll use as a result of this workshop:

The structured proposal, mini historical investigation in Year 10, Kaizena, annotated bibliography and literature reviews, marking the TSM samples with students, more TOK, what is critical analysis, get in touch with historians / academics and use them via FaceTime or Skype, handy photo app, model academic honesty better, use museums and libraries better, smithsonian free resources, weebly, twitter, use the resource we will put together, use the resources in the Google Drive, the best fit approach feels more generous, we feel more confident about marking the IA, we will start using the full marking scale.

Here’s a photo of this awesome group of educators:

C3HISTIA MEL16 - GroupPic