It’s the end of an era. Wikispaces is closing down. Ah wikispaces, how I loved you in 2008. I had just started at the school where I still happily work, and I made Wikispaces for all my classes because I found Blackboard and Moodle so hard to work with. I never liked PBworks, Wetpaint or Wikia, they were less intuitive. No, Wikispaces was my thing. I made 36 of them, for all aspects of my teaching. The original logo contained the by-line “Wikis for everyone”. How democratic, how Web2.0. Remember Web2.0? That was a big thing in 2005. I made WordClouds, opened up a ‘backchannel’ in (both are still going strong), I surfed the net (people don’t say that anymore) and I had RSS feeds. My first Wikispaces were really basic, but as I discovered the joys of tinkering with HTML, my pages became a bit fancier. I started including wikis in projects for students, and soon my students were leaving wikis all over the web, like little squirrels leaving acorns in the internet forrest. I think it’s a shame Wikispaces is closing. They were an application of their time, they were the vanguard of easy content creators, particularly for education. Vale Wikispaces, it has been fun. Thank you.