My school has changed its report writing structure, so we now write our reports earlier in the year. This year I have streamlined my report writing by using Google Docs forms in a more efficient manner.
(Updated and extended PD version of this post here:
All students complete a Google Docs survey before I write the reports. The survey contains questions which relate to the subject, their performance and their experiences of the subject. Here are two examples:
The 1 – 5 (very low to very high) graded responses align with what is the criteria are on the official reports (the drop down boxes in our online grading system).
Naturally I use my own grading for the drop down boxes on the reports, but it is very useful to have the students’ self-reflection to corroborate and supplement my own grading.
When writing the reports, it is invaluable to have the students’ comments, their own words, their self evaluation. It adds a lot more depth and ‘colour’ to the reports I write. I am also surprised at how honest the students are in their self reflection, particularly when they answer a question like “What are some of the things you could have improved on this term?” or “How would you describe your overall level of achievement in this subject?”
Here is a summary of the students’ responses:
The surveys are also extremely valuable when writing homeroom reports:
Examples of questions
- Rate your organisational skills (homework, notes, deadlines etc) (1 = very low, 5 = very high)
- Rate your behaviour in class (1 = very low, 5 = very high)
- Rate the neatness and comprehensiveness of your workbook (1 = very low, 5 = very high)
- Things you’ve done well in this subject this term.
- Things you could have improved on this term.
- What did you enjoy most this term in this subject.
- What didnn’tt you enjoy this term in this subject and why not?
- Most interesting thing you’ve learnt in this subject so far.
- How would you rate your overall level of achievement in this subject?
- Anything else you want to get off your chest with regards to this subject?
There are more applications for using Google Docs. My colleague Tim uses Google Docs forms to elicit responses from his students which he then mail merges into a Word Doc. He merges it further with his own Excel mark book and then he has a fantastic document to present to the parents for Parent Teacher Interviews. I love what Tim is doing with that and I am aiming to do the same next PT Interviews rounds.
Have a look at his merge template here:
While we’re at it; Google Docs Forms is also really wonderful for pre-tests, checking for understanding and quick quizzes. Here’s another example: (Sorry it’s all year 8)
There is a way to make self grading quizzes, I am still experimenting with that: