4. Pastoral Care

Competency 4: Provides comprehensive and effective pastoral care which:

  • 4.1 Focuses on the development of interpersonal relationships
  • 4.2 Caters for difference and individuality
  • 4.3 Values all achievement
  • 4.4 Models behaviour and practice

I was part of the Year 10 Pastoral team for two years, and the Year 7 Pastoral team for one year. The pastoral program focuses on developing interpersonal relationships through homeroom activities, year level activities and house activities.

In collaboration with my homeroom partner, I participated in and organised several activities which fostered friendships and interpersonal relationships. Some examples of this are:

  • Year 11 Tute
  • Year 10 House activities
  • Year 10 Tute
  • Year 7 introduction week activities
  • Year 7 Camp (Chum Creek)
  • Year 10 Camp (Malana)
  • The 7B “Master Chef” Competition.