bookmark_borderFun with wordclouds

This post is inspired by @jivespin who runs a fabulous blog full of great teaching ideas. His tweet (below) made me want to play around with Tagxuedo myself, it had been a while.

At the time of writing, importing images in Taxuedo is still in Beta so you can still import images for free. I will soon be doing Weimar and the Rise of Hitler again so I made two Taxuedos, one of Hitler and one of Stresemann. I used the Wikipedia entries as my sources list, but took some Wikipedia specific words such as: Edit, Navigation, pp, Wikipedia out of the word list. It is interesting to see the differences between the two.

A clickable version of the Wikipedia entry on Hitler below: Continue reading “Fun with wordclouds”

bookmark_borderTechnology = Space

I am fascinated by Steve Collis’ idea and proposition that Technology equals a Space. I want to spend more time exploring this and will write more soon, but for now, please read Steve’s blog post, watch the video and read some interesting tweets in my Storify on the topic.

Continue reading “Technology = Space”


bookmark_borderHTAV Conference, Keynote speech: Richard Broome on Aboriginal History

Richard Broome, keynote speaker


Below are my notes taken during Richard Broome’s keynote. I picked up some interesting things, it was interesting to learn about the “history of Aboriginal history”. He referred to Guns, Germs and Steel, which is always good. I must say that Richard Broome’s style of delivery was a tad old-school, a long stream of interesting but rapidly delivered information; typical history professor! I think ‘learned’ people like this need to transfer their considerable knowledge in a more lively, engaging manner, this is taking me back to my uni days!

Notes: Continue reading “HTAV Conference, Keynote speech: Richard Broome on Aboriginal History”


Here is a great video which explains the SAMR model. It shows how you can integrate technology on different levels, from simple (substitution) to transformative (redefinition).

(Video via @CatherineRHart)

bookmark_borderSkills in History and Geography (ACARA, IB DP and our Dept)

skills-abilities-knowledgeBelow are the History and Geography skills from three different frameworks / sources: The Australian National Curriculum, our own Humanities Department and the IB DP Group 3, History and Geography. It’s very useful to have them all together as they confirm and compliment each other.

[toc levels=2 title=”Table of contents”]

History Skills Nat. Curr.

Skills needed in the Australian National Curriculum History, by the end of Year 10:

Content related

  • Refer to key events, the actions of individuals and groups, and beliefs and values
  • Students sequence events and developments within a chronological framework
  • Identify relationships between events across different places and periods of time
  • Explain patterns of change and continuity over time.
  • Use historical terms and concepts

Critical analysis

bookmark_borderRon Ritchhart’s Eight Thinking Continua

Thinking clip art#1Eight thinking continua, By Ron Ritchhart. Cultures of Thinking Project. Harvard Project Zero, 2008. This is a great tool to assess deep thinking. I find it particularly useful for the assessment of essays and written work. I have created a rubric based on Ron Ritchhart’s continua in a Word Doc.

Download the file: Thinking Continua Assessment_Ron Ritchhart

Continue reading “Ron Ritchhart’s Eight Thinking Continua”

bookmark_border#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars

Hi all, thanks again for the great conversation. I tried to make a Storify but it again did not work for me, so I just pasted all the tweets from below. It’s probably easier to read this way anyway. Look forward to our next chat!

vanweringh Anyone can moderate a #histedchat, pick a topic or set up a poll. Post the archive on our wiki: -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

HistoryNeedsYou RT @CatherineRHart: @HistoryNeedsYou in Aus – borrow a memorial box – gr8 artifacts #histedchat -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

bilbolewis @vanweringh @CatherineRHart and everyone – Thanks for tonight’s #histedchat. Now need to finish dishes 
& school lunches! -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

historyboy77 RT @vanweringh: Here are all my Diigo links on WW2: and WW1: #histedchat -9:30 PM May 8th, 2013
Continue reading “#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars”

bookmark_borderSOLO Taxonomy

solo intro

I have introduced SOLO taxonomy to my Year 7 students when we started the Rome Project. This is a inquiry based unit which encourages students to think like a historian and formulate their own answer to the question: “What caused the break-up of the Roman Empire in 476AD?”

The students really seemed to get it and referred to the different stages during their research. This is one of the resources I used to explain SOLO to the kids:

Continue reading “SOLO Taxonomy”

bookmark_border#Histedchat: Critical Thinking

Below are all the tweets in the 06/02/13 chat.

Edmodo code: 73gc5n Please join and share your links and resources there

sallyluane Thanks for the #histedchat chat. -9:35 PM Feb 6th, 2013

MattJJSchultz RT @BakEsteR1984: #histedchat What a buzz, I love being a part of this community. So many amazing ideas. Thanks again everyone, awesome chat tonight. -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

MattJJSchultz @BakEsteR1984 Could’t agree more. #HistEdChat moves @ lightning speed, with some many brilliant ideas from quality history educators. -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

BartramGiles #histedchat yes thanks everyone, always a privilege to hear what this community thinks -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

vanweringh #histedchat You are all clearly critical thinkers! Gotta go now, Attend to my family and myself. Thanks again for the stimulating discussion -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013 Continue reading “#Histedchat: Critical Thinking”