I’m so happy to be moderating #histedchat this week. It’s on every Wednesday 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time, i.e. Melbourne/Sydney time) which is 9:30 AM UTC / GMT. Continue reading “#histedchat”
Category: web2
bookmark_borderUsing Tech in History Teaching
Inspired by SAMR, getting ready for #histedchat and driven by the need to create work for my class due to my absence for an MYP planning meeting, I have created a Cold War task that relies heavily on the use technology.
It’s almost the end of the year in VCE Unit 2 20th Century History and that means that we are approaching the collapse of communism.
I could always put on a PPT but that is boring, teacher centric and it doesn’t necessarily teach them anything. I also need the kids to be doing the work because I will be absent.
So here is the task I designed: Continue reading “Using Tech in History Teaching”
bookmark_border#edchat + other great edu #hashtags
(From http://edupln.ning.com/)
#Edchat is a discussion conducted on Twitter twice each Tuesday. The educational topics are chosen from a poll posted each Sunday night. There may also be a guest speaker, usually an Educational Expert. There are two chats to accommodate the global time zones. The first chat is at 12 noon EST and the second is at 7PM EST. The Chats are scheduled for an hour, but often carry on longer. People enter and leave at will. All chats are archived and may be accessed at a later time. Continue reading “#edchat + other great edu #hashtags”
bookmark_borderTwitter, my favourite PD
I have been on Twitter since April 2010. Before that time, I was like many other people: “Twitter, another outlet for vain people to let the world know they’ve bought a pair of shoes on sale…”
But now, after following many educators and tweeting about 5 or 6 messages a month, I have joined the other camp and now I can say: “Twitter has provided me with the best professional development ever” and “Twitter is the most important part of my #PLN (Personal Learning Network)” Continue reading “Twitter, my favourite PD”
bookmark_borderQR codes, interesting
I learnt about QR codes today, thanks to Twitter. The possibilities are endless….
Read more here about QR codes in education.
bookmark_borderHole in the wall learning, or Self Organizing Learning Environments
I saw this video on TED talks about SOLE (Self Organizing Learning Environments), by Prof. Sugata Mitra. His research and his initiatives have so many implications for the future of ICT in Education. Below is an excerpt from his wiki, about the project. Continue reading “Hole in the wall learning, or Self Organizing Learning Environments”