Dylan Wiliam, Leadership for Teacher Learning: Booksnap notes

Over the long weekend, I read Dylan Wiliam’s “Leadership for Teacher Learning.  In order to remember what I read and formulate my thoughts,  I make #booksnaps, using piccollage or snapchat. This post contains my key take-aways.

I also recommend that you listen to Ollie Lovell’s podcast in which he interviews Wiliam himself, it is a fantastic listen and it’s great to hear so many of the things that stood out for me while reading reflected back in the interview. Another good one to read is a post I wrote back in 2015, when Dylan Wiliam visited our school.  I took detailed notes, there are photos of the slides and I made a simple resolution for myself which I have since party fulfilled (before class, prepare thoughtful and critical questions to ask students).

DylanWiliam_all booksnaps in a PDF

Dylan Wiliam visiting our school in May 2015

Below are the notes I took in booksnap form. You can download them all here in a PDF format.

Dylan Wiliam, Leadership for Teacher Learning
Conclusion of Chapter 2 (p62): Teacher quality: Why it matters, what it is and how to get more of it. 

Chapter 4, Formative Assessment

Chapter 4, Formative Assessment: The definition of formative assessment. 

Chapter 4: Formative Assessment, the evidence for formative assessment (p111)


Chapter 5: Expertise, in teaching and elsewhere, p135

Chapter 5, Expertise in teaching and elsewhere. 

Chapter 5: Expertise in teaching and learning

In 1970 three American researchers, John E. Ware, Donald H. Naftulin and Frank A. Donnelly, designed an experiment to find out whether a brilliant delivery technique of a talk could so completely bamboozle a group of experts that they overlooked the fact that the content was nonsense. The result was the hilarious Dr Fox Lecture and the answer was: yes! The experts didn’t notice a thing. Read the full story here: http://www.weirdexperiments.com.

Chapter 6: Teacher Learning

P176, Chapter 6: Teacher Learning

Chapter 6: Teacher Learning

Here is a summary of the book “Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath”  





(And finally, how nice is this tweet below?)