#edchat + other great edu #hashtags

(From http://edupln.ning.com/)

#Edchat is a discussion conducted on Twitter twice each Tuesday. The educational topics are chosen from a poll posted each Sunday night. There may also be a guest speaker, usually an Educational Expert. There are two chats to accommodate the global time zones. The first chat is at 12 noon EST and the second is at 7PM EST. The Chats are scheduled for an hour, but often carry on longer. People enter and leave at will. All chats are archived and may be accessed at a later time.
The chat contributors add ‘#edchat‘ to all their comments. All comments appear on the Twitterstream. The best way to view the chat in real time is to filter it through a search for #edchat. Only edchat tweets will appear as they are posted. Tweetdeck or Tweet Grid are excellent tools to use for this purpose. Anyone on Twitter may participate.It is a fast paced discussion with a limit of 140 Characters for responses. Edchat was founded by Shelly Terrell, Steve Anderson and Tom Whitby.

How to keep up with #edchat

List of good hashtags for educators, by http://supercoolschool.typepad.com/
