Revision with “Heads Up!”

In 2013, Ellen Degeneres released an app called Heads Up. It’s a simple app, it works like “Celebrity heads” and it nicely made with some fun features. I used this app to revise key words from our History course, the students loved it.


Here is Ellen playing the game with Owen Wilson:


I discovered that you can make your own deck, it costs $1.29 (in Australia) and it’s the best $1.29 I spent.

Making the deck took about 15 minutes (hardest part was thinking of all the topics we’ve studied). In class, I plugged my iPhone into the interactive whiteboard, gave my phone to the first kid and before they knew it, lots of students had had a turn and they had revised a whole lot of terms from our History course. They had a ball.

I can see this work in all subjects and topics. You can have kids just shout out clues and the guesser has to just guess the word or you can have them act it out without using words.

I think the following photos speak for themselves. Hope you give it a go.

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