bookmark_borderRevision with “Heads Up!”

In 2013, Ellen Degeneres released an app called Heads Up. It’s a simple app, it works like “Celebrity heads” and it nicely made with some fun features. I used this app to revise key words from our History course, the students loved it.


Here is Ellen playing the game with Owen Wilson:

Continue reading “Revision with “Heads Up!””

bookmark_borderUsing a scanner app for resources

I have to share this: Using a scanner app is a great way to collect and share resources with your students.

Sometimes you are not around a photocopier or scanner and you might want to copy text from a book, or a diagram from a textbook. Taking a normal photo with your phone is an option, but particularly when photographing text, it just doesn’t come out very well.  In that case, I recommend you download a scanner app for your phone. The result is of a very high quality and it just looks better than a normal photo.

I have tried these two apps: Scanner Pro (my preferred one, $2.99 when I last checked) and JotNot (free when I last checked).

Below are two examples. I use this technique a lot. Perfect for when I’m reading a history book on the train and want to share key quotes or passages with my students.  Continue reading “Using a scanner app for resources”

bookmark_borderWordPress app

I’ve just downloaded the WordPress app on my iPhone, which allows me to blog on the go; as I’m doing now. I must say that I don’t know how I lived and worked pre-iPhone. Sad but true. I have become an iJunkie.