Just wanted to link my blog here to the page I made about blogging on my PD site:
It contains info on how to set up a blog and how to use blogs to develop a PLN.
Just wanted to link my blog here to the page I made about blogging on my PD site:
It contains info on how to set up a blog and how to use blogs to develop a PLN.
I read a nice post about sharing your passions. Amanda C Dykes, a teacher from America uses the old saying: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” and changes it to: “If you have a passion for something, and you do not share that passion, does it make a sound?”. Continue reading “Shared passions and the falling tree in the forrest”
Steven Anderson is an active tweeter, blogger and Web2 user. He conducted an interesting poll about why some people call themselves a ‘life-long learner’. I have used the word myself. It is such an IB word and it is in danger of being hollowed out by its overuse; in the end, who ISN’T a life long learner? Never the less, Anderson’s poll resulted in some interesting insights: http://web20classroom.blogspot.com/2010/11/why-are-you-life-long-learner-follow-up.html