bookmark_borderDay 2, MYP Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Workshop

Change managementCapture4

The day started with a key note address by Robert Harrison, Curriculum Manager for Continuum Development. He addressed challenges and opportunities for change management in schools; very timely since the MYP represents a huge change in everything we do at our school. Continue reading “Day 2, MYP Humanities (Individuals and Societies) Workshop”

bookmark_borderConcept Based Learning

I am very interested in Concept Based Learning. I believe it is vital that in our crowded curricula, we have a clear framework that encourages deeper thinking and connections between disciplines. 

Below is my presentation for the Teachmeet at the State Library of Victoria. It is a short overview of how Concept Based learning fits in with other curricula, frameworks and pedagogies (of which there are so many!).

Continue reading “Concept Based Learning”

bookmark_borderImplementing MYP

Aah, such a simple title, yet those two words contain a whole universe of possibility, challenge, frustration and ultimately, improvement.

First off, a definition: MYP = the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. It fits in between the PYP (Primary Years Programme) and the DP (Diploma Programme). The MYP is for Middle School students, it’s a framework, not a prescribed curriculum. It focuses on developing the whole student, it emphasises concept based learning, inquiry based learning and cross disciplinary skills and thinking. For more general info on the IB and MYP, please go here:

I have been to an MYP Humanities and an IB DP History Workshop. I have been to more meetings I can shake a stick at. My copy of the Humanities Subject guide is thumbed and full of post-it notes, scribbles and highlighted sections. Slowly I am wrapping my head around Concepts, Key Concepts, Approaches to learning and Concept based learning.

Thanks to my Twitter network, I feel part of a wider group of MYP educators; check out #MYP and #IBmyp. There is a fabulous #MYPchat on Twitter, moderated by Stephen Taylor (@iBiologyStephen).

The monthly topics so far have been: Continue reading “Implementing MYP”

bookmark_borderUsable Knowledge: What is Teaching for Understanding?

investigateWhat is Teaching for Understanding? That’s the title of a Harvard site named “Useful Knowledge” I was naturally intrigued by the title, but as I read on, I was disappointed. The site describes that the Harvard Framework is designed to keep teachers focused on student understanding. I can not discover how this ‘framework’ adds anything new to the discussion about effective teaching. The site is summarised below. Make up your own mind. I’d love you to explain to me that the good people at Harvard have not just stated the bleeding obvious: Continue reading “Usable Knowledge: What is Teaching for Understanding?”