bookmark_borderImplementing MYP

Aah, such a simple title, yet those two words contain a whole universe of possibility, challenge, frustration and ultimately, improvement.

First off, a definition: MYP = the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. It fits in between the PYP (Primary Years Programme) and the DP (Diploma Programme). The MYP is for Middle School students, it’s a framework, not a prescribed curriculum. It focuses on developing the whole student, it emphasises concept based learning, inquiry based learning and cross disciplinary skills and thinking. For more general info on the IB and MYP, please go here:

I have been to an MYP Humanities and an IB DP History Workshop. I have been to more meetings I can shake a stick at. My copy of the Humanities Subject guide is thumbed and full of post-it notes, scribbles and highlighted sections. Slowly I am wrapping my head around Concepts, Key Concepts, Approaches to learning and Concept based learning.

Thanks to my Twitter network, I feel part of a wider group of MYP educators; check out #MYP and #IBmyp. There is a fabulous #MYPchat on Twitter, moderated by Stephen Taylor (@iBiologyStephen).

The monthly topics so far have been: Continue reading “Implementing MYP”

bookmark_borderNotes from an MYP Humanities Workshop

I attended a three day MYP Humanities (Category 2) workshop in Melbourne, 24 – 26 Sept 2012. Below are my personal notes. I am sure there are many more elements that I missed or should have written down, but these are just my take-aways. As usual, I met some wonderful people. Special thanks to Jessica, Lana and Alexia; my ‘table mates’, such a privilege to work with them.

Monday 24th of September 2012
Day 1

Session 1

New Criterion: difference between KNOWLEDGE and Knowing and Understanding.
Going from a noun to a verb. Continue reading “Notes from an MYP Humanities Workshop”

bookmark_borderIB History Category 2 Workshop, Auckland, July 2012. My personal notes.


Table of contents:
Day 1 | Paper 1 | Extended Essay | Day 2 | Paper 2 | TOK | IA / HI | Day 3 | Paper 3

Day 1

09/07/2012 (My Personal Notes)

IB History workshop, Category 2, July 2012. Auckland.
Key issues we’ll discuss during this workshop:
Marking, exchange ideas, using criteria, IA

  • Don’t count too much on the doubling up in P1, P2 and P3, you need to really have a spread of topics so that students are covered for everything. You may get a false sense of confidence if you rely on doubling up too much. G2 form allows you to give that sort of feedback to IBO.
  • It seems to be getting harder to get a 7 in History, this is a real issue for teachers and students who may both lose confidence. 68% as a grade boundary. No essay seems to be getting more that 16 marks.
  • Internal Assessment: Make the question evaluative, to what extent.
  • History is no a one answer subject, ever changing perspectives, continual developments, historiography. Global World.

After tea break session:

  • Teacher should aim to deliver a holistic education, include TOK. What is History? Create different perspectives (Note: Any examples?) i.e. Moroccan Crisis radio program seen from different countries’ perspectives. Or use the Japanese History book, look at how they interpret History (Get that PDF from Beate?).
  • Look at leaders through the Learner Profile. (i.e. Was Napoleon a risk taker?)
  • How does it fit with TOK?
  • Students should take ownership of own learning.
  • There is just written assessment, why? Oral would be good too.
  • Values in teaching: Inquiry, Cooperation, International Mindedness,
  • Suggestion: Speak and Response cards. I did a quick search: seems interesting, must look more in to it.

Continue reading “IB History Category 2 Workshop, Auckland, July 2012. My personal notes.”