bookmark_borderKuhlthau, the research process

uncertainposterHave you  experienced that moment where an academic task or question seemed so big that it made you slightly anxious? I have, and I see my students go through it too. Research essays, the IB Extended Essay and the IB Internal Assessment are all big academic inquiry processes where students are required to research and grapple with a large amount of information that has to be distilled and synthesised into a coherent and sophisticated argument.

Professor Carol Kuhlthau has researched the research process. I find her notion of the “uncertainty principle” very interesting and recognisable. She describes it as follows: 

“Uncertainty is a cognitive state that commonly causes symptoms of anxiety and lack of confidence. Uncertainty and anxiety can be expected in the early stages of the information searching process. Uncertainty, confusion, and frustration are associated with vague, unclear thoughts about a topic or problem.

As knowledge states shift to more clearly focused thoughts, a parallel shift occurs in feelings of increased confidence. Uncertainty due to a lack of understanding, a gap in meaning, or a limited construct initiates the process of information seeking”

(Kuhlthau, C. C. (1993). Seeking meaning: A process approach to library and information services. Norwood, NJ: Ablex., p. 111)


Below is a visual representation of the uncertainty experienced during a research / inquiry process: Continue reading “Kuhlthau, the research process”

bookmark_borderHexagon learning: making and justifying connections

This week I tried hexagons with my students. It worked really well.hexagon

The beauty of following inspiring educators on Twitter is that you benefit from their ideas and knowledge. I first saw Hexagon learning on @jivespin’s blog, which led me to David Didau, NoTosh, SOLO (HookEd), Chris Harte and TheLearningGeek. All explain how these versatile hexagons encourage deeper thinking and rich conversations in the classroom. Hexagon learning can be used in ANY subject and for any topic.  Continue reading “Hexagon learning: making and justifying connections”

bookmark_border#Histedchat, hands-on activities in the history classroom (05/12/12)

I moderated tonight’s chat on “Hands-on activities in the history classroom”. Two questions to guide discussion:

  1. What are your favourite hands on activities for the history classroom?
  2. What realia / materials / movies / tools work best in your history classroom?
Edmodo code q51zcw Please join.

Tweets in tonight’s #Histedchat. I’ll have to find a way to make the links clickable:

MattJJSchultz #HIstEdChat Thanks all for your contributions & ideas, whilst I only have 2 days left this year, I’ll make use of the ideas in 2013! Thanks. -9:37 PM Dec 5th, 2012

onetakeWeb I have a great Yr 7 enrichment matrix and a jeopardy template I’ll put up on Edmodo. Great for revision and post exam time #histedchat -9:35 PM Dec 5th, 2012

carlaleeB Night all and TY #histedchat -9:35 PM Dec 5th, 2012

craff2008 @vanweringh #HistEdChat thanks awesome chat and ideas thanks for moderating 🙂 -9:35 PM Dec 5th, 2012

vanweringh Thank you everyone, cheers and see you next week, although I will be overseas then, may not make it. #histedchat #histedchat -9:34 PM Dec 5th, 2012

lizmvhums @vanweringh supermum!!!#histedchat Night all -9:34 PM Dec 5th, 2012

carlaleeB @vanweringh @activehistory is great – I had faculty subscription b4 #histedchat -9:34 PM Dec 5th, 2012

Lady_B_Crawford #histedchat thanks guys – just wish I had a history class to use these ideas in next year – fingers crossed for 2014! -9:34 PM Dec 5th, 2012 Continue reading “#Histedchat, hands-on activities in the history classroom (05/12/12)”

bookmark_borderSAMR: What would ‘IT’ look like in my classroom?

Integrating Technology in a meaningful way is a challenge for teachers. IT is often used as a simple a substitution for the old notebook or a white board marker.  What I like about Ruben Puentedura’s ‘SAMR’ model, is that he shows us what sophisticated and meaningful IT-use looks like.

What is SAMR?

SAMR stands for Substitute, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition and it is a model for enhancing technology integration. It helps teachers to move from a simple task where IT might replace note-taking to a sophisticated task that incorporates all elements of IT to create a new, redefined task which was impossible to imagine 10 years ago. Continue reading “SAMR: What would ‘IT’ look like in my classroom?”

bookmark_borderHow to move your lessons from good to outstanding | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional

An “Assessment for Learning” questioning technique to help teachers move from  good-to-outstanding. It also helps address differentiation in the classroom and  encourages teachers to take risks. Time to Pose, Pause, Bounce and Pounce!