bookmark_borderMy notes on Collective Teacher Efficacy

This is an overview of my research and thinking around Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE).

CTE refers to “the perceptions of teachers in a school that the faculty as a whole can execute the courses of  action necessary to have positive effects on students” a. It was identified by Professor John Hattie as having a very high effect size of 1.57 b. CTE is of interest to school leaders because it is an indicator of the willingness by teacher “to invest the time and  energy required to attain educational goals and results in greater effort.” CTE is a broad and systemic intervention which leads to “improved student outcomes” c. Jenni Donohoo identifies the following six enabling conditions for fostering collective teacher efficacy: Continue reading “My notes on Collective Teacher Efficacy”

  1. Goddard, R. (2001). Collective efficacy: A neglected construct in the study of schools and student
    achievement. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 93(3), 467-476.
    0663.93.3.467  (back)
  2. Hattie, J. (2016). Third Visible Learning Annual Conference: Mindframes and Maximizers,
    Washington, DC, July 11, 2016  (back)
  3. Donohoo, J., O’Leary, T., & Hattie, J. (2020). The design and validation of the enabling conditions for collective teacher efficacy scale (EC-CTES). Journal of Professional Capital And Community, 5(2), 147-166.  (back)

bookmark_borderChanging the “Grammar of Schooling”

I watched a seminar today, by Melbourne Uni MGSE: Professor Yong Zhao on “Education leaders must reconsider the way we teach and learn”. He challenged us to think about different possibilities in education in response to Covid.

Here is the article Zhao wrote on that: I made some highlights and comments in Kami, you can add your own if you are so inclined.

It raises some interesting questions about the lessons we have learnt from lockdown, particularly when it comes to flexibility and trust.

Abstract (TL:DR) is below. Abstract: Speak a Different Language: Reimagine the Grammar of Schooling, by Yong Zhao

Continue reading “Changing the “Grammar of Schooling””

bookmark_borderMaking change happen, workshop with Michael Fullan.

Today I attended a full day workshop with Michael Fullan, expert on Change Leadership in education. We were provided with an informative booklet full of articles and ideas. There was in fact so much information that I reached saturation point at the end of the day. Below are some of my thoughts and pick-ups.

What works (in Change Leadership):

  • Focus
  • Capacity building
  • Consistency of practice
  • Learning from each other
  • Leadership that obsesses with points 1 – 4.

Teaching like a pro means: