bookmark_borderPersonal Project, IB MYP workshop, Day 2

Two day workshop, Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of April, 2015, led by Gary Green.
The Personal Project is an independent research project that a student produces in Year 10. It is a creative endeavor of the student’s choosing that demonstrates the skills the student has learned in Approaches to Learning. Assessment of the Personal Project is based on a set of 8 specific criteria that are normalized to a scale of 1–7. The Personal Project is designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to organise, create, and complete a significant body of work.
(Source) Also see notes from Day 1.

Criterion D: Reflecting

In the personal project, students should:
i. evaluate the quality of the product/outcome against their criteria
ii. reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context
iii. reflect on their development as IB learners through the project.

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bookmark_borderPersonal Project, IB MYP workshop, Day 1

Two day workshop, Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of April, 2015, led by Gary Green.
The Personal Project is an independent research project that a student produces in Year 10. It is a creative endeavor of the student’s choosing that demonstrates the skills the student has learned in Approaches to Learning. Assessment of the Personal Project is based on a set of 8 specific criteria that are normalized to a scale of 1–7. The Personal Project is designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to organise, create, and complete a significant body of work.
(Source) Also see notes from Day 2.



The essential structure of every lesson and every personal project is:

  • Know (knowledge)
  • Understand (think about)
  • Do (skills, processes)

The personal project is the one time in which students set their own course completely.

Continue reading “Personal Project, IB MYP workshop, Day 1”