How to pay no mind to the rantings and ravings of the mind (The Age, Sunday 18th of Sept)
VIRTUALLY overnight, mindfulness has hit the mainstream. Once a niche therapeutic tool, it is now taught to athletes, primary school students, cancer patients, the anorexic, the obese, corporate lawyers, prisoners, bankers and medical undergraduates. In short: anyone and everyone.
”Let’s take a year 12 student who has had an argument with her friend and she’s going over it and over it in her mind and getting more angry and resentful and hurt. The mind is like a train of thought [that] pulls up and the person unconsciously gets on and goes to the end of the line and all you find at the end of the line is anger and hostility, self-doubt, self-criticism, fear, depression … ” Dr Hassed says. ”What we say is: ‘We can’t stop the train of thought from coming but what we can do is determine whether or not we are going to get on the train.’ ” Continue reading “Article about using meditation in schools; hopping off the crazy train of thought”