bookmark_borderIf THIS then THAT, or: How to connect Diigo, Twitter, a Blog, Evernote, Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, you name it…

“If This, Then That” (IFTTT, pronounced as IFT) is the best way to automate tasks and connect different parts of your internet social ventures.

I think it’s best explained with an example:

I use Diigo (see earlier post: Why I love Diigo) but also like the functionality that Evernote offers. I did not want to have two separate curating and archiving tools, I want them to talk to eachother. IFTTT can do that:


Continue reading “If THIS then THAT, or: How to connect Diigo, Twitter, a Blog, Evernote, Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, you name it…”

bookmark_borderUsing a scanner app for resources

I have to share this: Using a scanner app is a great way to collect and share resources with your students.

Sometimes you are not around a photocopier or scanner and you might want to copy text from a book, or a diagram from a textbook. Taking a normal photo with your phone is an option, but particularly when photographing text, it just doesn’t come out very well.  In that case, I recommend you download a scanner app for your phone. The result is of a very high quality and it just looks better than a normal photo.

I have tried these two apps: Scanner Pro (my preferred one, $2.99 when I last checked) and JotNot (free when I last checked).

Below are two examples. I use this technique a lot. Perfect for when I’m reading a history book on the train and want to share key quotes or passages with my students.  Continue reading “Using a scanner app for resources”

bookmark_borderTechnology = Space

I am fascinated by Steve Collis’ idea and proposition that Technology equals a Space. I want to spend more time exploring this and will write more soon, but for now, please read Steve’s blog post, watch the video and read some interesting tweets in my Storify on the topic.

Continue reading “Technology = Space”

bookmark_borderBYO – next wave in the eRevolution

  • byodHow are schools to keep up in this fast-changing world? One answer is BYOT.  Bring Your Own Technology. The concept is simple: if a student already has a  preferred technology at home, bring it to school rather than duplicate the cost  and time spent learning to navigate a new device issued or mandated by the  school.
  • Manor Lakes is one of many school’s operating on a similar model known as BYOD —  Bring Your Own Device — that limits the technology to a specific product. The  next step is obvious — students will be given the freedom to bring to the  classroom technology already available at home.
  • The BYOT model is fairly new, with only a handful of schools around the country  using it. Backers say schools that have adopted BYOT are experiencing better  results from a more personalised education, and enhanced engagement between the  home and school. But words such as equity and access keep cropping up.
  • Mr Barclay says it makes sense, both financially and academically, for students  to bring their own devices to his school — especially as it grows. Continue reading “BYO – next wave in the eRevolution”