bookmark_borderTeenage Brains – Interesting reading

Below are my highlighted sections from a National Geographic article about the teenage brain and how it has evolved to crave the company of peers and take risks. 

So much more out there. Here’s a link to more:

Also read:, which is my annotated link from this article:

Both links courtesy of our Head of PD!

Teenage Brains – Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine

    • To see past the distracting, dopey teenager and glimpse the adaptive  adolescent within, we should look not at specific, sometimes startling,  behaviors, such as skateboarding down stairways or dating fast company, but at  the broader traits that underlie those acts. Continue reading “Teenage Brains – Interesting reading”

bookmark_borderGrowing up digital, wired for distraction – NYtimes. My highlighted sections:

Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction –

Great article with plenty of food for thought. Below are my highlighted sections:

On YouTube, “you can get a whole story in six minutes,” he explains. “A book takes so long. I prefer the immediate gratification.”
Researchers say the lure of these technologies, while it affects adults too, is particularly powerful for young people. The risk, they say, is that developing brains can become more easily habituated than adult brains to constantly switching tasks — and less able to sustain attention. Continue reading “Growing up digital, wired for distraction – NYtimes. My highlighted sections:”