bookmark_borderA week on #edutweetoz, in polls

Twitter continues to be my favourite form of professional development. The networking and ideas I get from it are just invaluable to my teaching practice. I had another go at hosting @edutweetoz for a week (from 24/11/19 till 01/12/19). It was great fun, but it also made me realise how used I am to my own posse of people on Twitter. It felt quite different to interact with a whole new (and much bigger) group of people. One of my themes for the week was to run lots of polls because they are easy to interact with and can start some interesting conversations. Below are the polls I ran. Some interesting data about the working life of teachers:

  • 43% of respondents work through recess
  • 45% of respondents stay at work until after 5pm
  • 47% of respondents eat lunch at their desk
  • 65% of respondents use Sunday to prep for Monday
  • 77% of respondents are a member of a teachers union

See more polls below, in random order: Continue reading “A week on #edutweetoz, in polls”

bookmark_borderAn Aztec Mystery Lady and the Power of Twitter

This is an example of the power of Twitter as a way to connect with a community of experts.  Capture

On the 25th of June, my Year 8s and I attended the fabulous Aztec exhibition at Melbourne Museum. In class we had studied a mural by Diego Rivera. It was created in 1945 and adorns the walls in the Palacio Nacional de Mexico. (See information here and backup link here).

This massive mural was also prominently displayed in the exhibition and it was there that my students and I started wondering about the lady with the white lilies who is handed a severed arm by some shady and lascivious characters. While in the museum, I sent a tweet to the knowledgeable, helpful and friendly people at Melbourne Museum, asking them if they knew who she was. Continue reading “An Aztec Mystery Lady and the Power of Twitter”

bookmark_borderHistedchat 12/02/14: A succesful History classroom

This was the first night of #histedchat for 2014. We had many participants and some great discussions.

The questions were as follows:


Time went so fast that we skipped Q4, pity really, because I’m genuinly interested in what other history teachers hang on their walls. Might be something for a future chat.

Below you find all the Tweets sent in the Histedchat hour. I did try to make a Storify but that site just never ceases to frustrate me. Hard to get all the tweets in, many double ups, glitchy site… the annoyances just never stop. I “harvested” the tweets below by copying and pasting them from Tweetchat, which is a live site that shows all tweets in a certain hast tag.  I hope you find the Tweets easy to read and interesting. See you all in #histedchat in two weeks.  Continue reading “Histedchat 12/02/14: A succesful History classroom”

bookmark_borderIf THIS then THAT, or: How to connect Diigo, Twitter, a Blog, Evernote, Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, you name it…

“If This, Then That” (IFTTT, pronounced as IFT) is the best way to automate tasks and connect different parts of your internet social ventures.

I think it’s best explained with an example:

I use Diigo (see earlier post: Why I love Diigo) but also like the functionality that Evernote offers. I did not want to have two separate curating and archiving tools, I want them to talk to eachother. IFTTT can do that:


Continue reading “If THIS then THAT, or: How to connect Diigo, Twitter, a Blog, Evernote, Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, you name it…”

bookmark_borderHTAV Agora Article: A little birdy told me….

HTAV Twitter Article_Page_1A while back some #histedchat participants were asked to write an article about how they use Twitter and #histedchat as Professional Development and as a Personal Learning Network. True to form, we used Twitter to write the article collaboratively. It was put together by these wonderful colleagues: Jan Molloy, Catherine Hart, Matt Esterman, Simon McKenzie, Matt Schultz, Ilja VanWeringh, James Oliver and Matthew Ward. The result has now been published in the HTAV‘s (History Teachers Association Victoria) magazine “Agora”.

Please download the article here: HTAV Twitter Article

Continue reading “HTAV Agora Article: A little birdy told me….”

bookmark_border#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars

Hi all, thanks again for the great conversation. I tried to make a Storify but it again did not work for me, so I just pasted all the tweets from below. It’s probably easier to read this way anyway. Look forward to our next chat!

vanweringh Anyone can moderate a #histedchat, pick a topic or set up a poll. Post the archive on our wiki: -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

HistoryNeedsYou RT @CatherineRHart: @HistoryNeedsYou in Aus – borrow a memorial box – gr8 artifacts #histedchat -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

bilbolewis @vanweringh @CatherineRHart and everyone – Thanks for tonight’s #histedchat. Now need to finish dishes 
& school lunches! -9:31 PM May 8th, 2013

historyboy77 RT @vanweringh: Here are all my Diigo links on WW2: and WW1: #histedchat -9:30 PM May 8th, 2013
Continue reading “#Histedchat 08/05/13: Teaching 20th Century Wars”

bookmark_border#Histedchat: Critical Thinking

Below are all the tweets in the 06/02/13 chat.

Edmodo code: 73gc5n Please join and share your links and resources there

sallyluane Thanks for the #histedchat chat. -9:35 PM Feb 6th, 2013

MattJJSchultz RT @BakEsteR1984: #histedchat What a buzz, I love being a part of this community. So many amazing ideas. Thanks again everyone, awesome chat tonight. -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

MattJJSchultz @BakEsteR1984 Could’t agree more. #HistEdChat moves @ lightning speed, with some many brilliant ideas from quality history educators. -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

BartramGiles #histedchat yes thanks everyone, always a privilege to hear what this community thinks -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013

vanweringh #histedchat You are all clearly critical thinkers! Gotta go now, Attend to my family and myself. Thanks again for the stimulating discussion -9:34 PM Feb 6th, 2013 Continue reading “#Histedchat: Critical Thinking”

bookmark_border#Histedchat: Critical Thinking in the History Classroom

Tonight’s #Histedchat is about Critical Thinking in the History Classroom.

Edmodo code: 73gc5n Please join and share your links and resources there. 

Three questions to guide our discussion:

  1. How do you define CT?
  2. How do you foster CT in your classroom? (share resources, tips, links?)
  3. Are essays the only way to assess CT in the History classroom?

This site: contains amazing resources, articles and ideas.

Critical Thinking

Excellent introduction to critical thinking in History by the Wisconsin Historical Society, Library‐Archives Division, 2005. Click here for original PDF. Continue reading “#Histedchat: Critical Thinking in the History Classroom”

bookmark_borderHistedchat on Ancient History (28/11/12)

Histedchat, 28/11/12. Topic: Ancient History

Here are all the tweets with links from tonight’s #histedchat: