Here is a great article by Pamela L. Bacon: “Effective Studying is a Science, Not an Art: Teaching Students Scientifically-Based Study Techniques” (2017). You can read the article and see my highlights and annotations here in Kami, If you like, you can add your own comments / highlights to it.
Bacon is very clear and honest about what did and didn’t work when she tried to convince her students to use these scientifically proven techniques to study better.
- What didn’t work: Simply telling the students about these techniques.
- What did work: Attaching an assessment task to the techniques > forcing students to use these specific methods in a task which was then graded, although the weighting of those tasks was quite low.
The three effective study techniques which have been supported by most research are:
Here is a great YouTube playlist with two series of videos about effective learning
Some of the links from Pamela Bacon’s article:
- The Learning Scientists
- GUEST POST: Elaborative Interrogation – What if Students Can’t Produce Useful Elaborations? — The Learning Scientists
- Videos — The Learning Scientists
- How to Get the Most Out of Studying Video Series – YouTube
- Dukosky-2013-Strengthening-the-Student-Toolbox-Study-Strategies-to-Boost-Learning
- BjorkDunloskyKornellannurev-psych-113011-143823
- optimizing_learning_in_college
- what_works_what_doesnt
- Yue.Storm_.Kornell.Bjork_.inpress
- Effective Studying is a Science Not an Art_ Teaching Students Sc (1)
As a teacher in an MYP school, we are also using the ‘Approaches to Learning’ as a form of meta-cognitive instruction. These study skills would obviously fit in ‘Thinking Skills’.
Here is a #booksnap I created from the wonderful book: Understanding How We Learn: A Visual Guide, by Megan Sumeracki, Oliver Caviglioli, and Yana Weinstein